


Education is desperately sought after by all African children because they desire a future free from poverty and despair.  Most of our children go to school for the first time in their life, its such a golden opportunity for them to be in class again.

An African child does not ask .

"please may I go to school, but they say give me the future ?"

And they are right. A good education in a caring compassionate environment truely empowers them for a secure and self reliant future

About sponsorship

Offering the love of Jesus Christ to every child in need

Our child sponsorship is so special. We are not just a humanitation organization. Each person that chooses to sponsor a child, CHANGES A LIFE.

Some of these children on our program are the street children, while others come from a loving home but they cannot afford food, clothing or education thus depending on BLIM.BLIM steps to help and offer God’s fullness in their lives.


BLIIM also operates a kindergta School is located in Bwindi.

It is our privilege and joy to link arms with this community.


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